- When will I get mature? 我什么时候才算成熟呢?
- When will I get the stamp certificate after submitting a stamping application electronically? 以电子方式递交加盖印花申请后,何时才会收到印花证明书?
- Will I notice a difference when I get the new version? 新版本的程序与旧版本相比起来又没有显著的差异?
- When will I hear from you on this? 关于这事我什么时候听你的信?
- Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school. 我只有找到了工作才有足够的钱上学。
- When will I know the result of my x ray? 我何时可以知道X光检查的结果?
- But when I sell out and leave Omaha, what will I get? 但即使我出卖了自己离开奥哈马,我又能得到什么呢?
- Kay Adams: When will I see you again, Michael? 我何时才能再见到你?迈克。
- When will I know my last month earnings? 我什么时候可以知道我上月的收入?
- When will I receive commissions? 我什么时候将得到佣金?
- When will I receive my Senior Citizen Card? 我将于何时收到长者咭?
- When will I receive my purchased publication? 我何时会收到我所订购的刊物?
- When will I receive the Club newsletter? 何时会收到新地会会讯?
- Will I get a Tracking number to locate machines? 如果必要的话请告诉我追踪号码,以便查找。
- When will I receive the allotted shares? 成功申请的股份在甚么时候配发给我?
- Will I get all the shares I apply for? 我会否分配到申请股份的全数?
- Will I get treated the same as everyone else? 我会得到与其他人同样的对待吗?
- When will I hear from you again? 什么时候会再与我联络?
- If I buy two, will I get a discount? 如果我买两个,价格是否会便宜一些?
- When will I.... can see the shore? 究竟什么时候才能看到岸的彼方?